Hyper Combat Framework #
This document aims to go over the main features of the system.
Types of Combat #
The system works well with various types of combat commonly found in games, including:
- Ranged
- Firearms: Pistol, Rifles, Shotguns, Sniper Rifle
- Bows: Bow and Arrow
- Melee: One-Handed Weapons, Two-Handed Weapons, Dual Wield, Fists, Torch
- Throwables: Grenade, Flashbang, Smokebomb, Throwing Knife, Spear
- Defense: Blocking with weapons or shield
Ranged Combat #
The system includes various ranged weapons and attributes.
For instance, shotguns can use multiple traces in one shot, and snipers have an overlay function.
Left Hand IK #
Left hand IK placement is used for weapons that require both hands. Set up by adding a ‘Left_Hand’ socket to your static meshes and updating variables in your equipment data table.
Recoil & Weapon Spread #
Dynamically activate recoil and weapon spread, including camera shakes. Affected by proning, aiming, shooting, moving, and crouching. Define settings in the data table, impacting the crosshair.
Dynamic Crosshair #
The crosshair changes based on various states like crouching, proning, aiming, moving, and shooting. Customize it in the provided crosshair master.
Dynamic Ammo Logic #
Switch between multiple ammo types per weapon. Supports automatic and manual reload, with visual ammo representation like a quiver for arrows.
Aiming Down Sight (ADS) #
Includes a dynamic ADS function to zoom in and switch to strafe movement.
Ammo Management #
Ammo can be in the world as an inventory pickup, in the inventory, equipped in the ammo slot, or in the weapon itself. To transfer ammo to the weapon, equip the weapon and the accepted ammo in the ammo slot, then reload.
Bows #
A bow and arrow system is included with real-time updated visual ammo actors like a quiver.
Set up projectiles and throwable settings for projectiles like arrows.
Throwables and Projectiles #
The following throwables are included: Grenade, Flashbang, Smokebomb, Throwing Knife, Spear.
Throwables are defined as projectiles with settings for initial speed, gravity, etc. They can have optional projectile prediction and stick to hit objects by tag detection.
Projectile Trajectory Prediction #
Optional prediction trace for throwables based on the throwable’s direction.
Melee Combat #
Melee features include combos, heavy and light attacks, and dynamic setup in the data table. Blocking capabilities with weapons or shields are also included.
Dual Wield #
Dual wield weapons are equipped twice and can be set up in the data table.
Torch #
A complementary torch is included with a blended animation on the left arm, spawning a light and Niagara effect.
Target Lock System #
Locking to a target switches the character to strafe movement, facing the target.
Replication #
The entire system is fully replicated, with the server as the authority for important calls.
Additive Hit Reaction System #
Includes a hit system with direction-based animations, hit types, and die montages.
Damage System #
Damage is applied based on equipment stats, including blood effects, hit effects, and damage amounts.
Animation Notifies #
Most montages include animation notifies for various actions like melee damage traces and weapon whooshes.
Integrations #
The combat system includes several dependencies to ensure functionality, including the Inventory Manager, Attribute Manager, Interaction Manager, Outline Manager, Equipment Manager, Character Voice Manager, Footstep Manager, Locomotion Framework, UI Manager, Pawns in Radius, Replication Subsystem, Ragdoll, and Simple Respawn.
Surface Detection System #
Uses physical surface types set up in project settings. Spawns BP_Impact_Master on trace locations to determine the surface type, spawning appropriate decals, effects, and sounds.
Architectural Structure #
The architectural structure shows how “Managers” communicate with each other. Many components connect to the inventory item slot, linking to other data tables like Buildables, Equipment, Ammo, Farmables, etc.