Advanced Locomotion Framework (ALF) #
The Advanced Locomotion Framework (ALF) is based on the Lyra framework, modified to be used entirely with blueprints. It avoids the complexity of the gameplay ability system while maintaining similar functionalities.
Extended Movement Component #
The Extended Movement Component in ALF provides several key features:
- Enables the Advanced Locomotion System
- Includes dodging capabilities
- Switches global orientation from forward-facing to strafe movement
- Handles animation and sound replication
- Integrates with the Enhanced Input system
Initialization #
Call the Initialize function on any actor with the Extended Movement Component attached. It automatically handles replication needs.
Latent Montage Handling #
Handles logic for animations that can be interrupted or require execution at specific notifies, such as reloading. Fully replicated, perfect for actions that need precise timing.
Useful Functions #
Includes functions for switching between walk, run, and sprint modes, as well as camera management.
Upcoming Features #
Planned additions include vaulting, climbing, proning, door opening, and an optimized first-person view. A cover system is also under consideration.