News & Updates
Here you can find all our latest activities. We publish our development log, food for thoughts,
announcements and just fun things we want to share.
Devlog: Bring your NPCs to life with the Dialogue System
Hey all, This week we’ll be taking an update look at the Dialogue System that we touched on a few months ago. This system will be able to add so many storytelling elements that it can really be used for any game type, not just RPGs. A few of the features include: Use...
Devlog: The Much Awaited Global Save & Load System
Hey all, This week I wanted to give you a first look at the Global Save System! You’ll now be able to save and load your games and specify whether or not any of your required variables or components should be included with just a few clicks. It has taken some time but...
Devlog: Finalizing the Ability System
Hey all, I’m back after a short break (I was a bit under the weather) but have powered through and have been making amazing progress on many of our upcoming systems. This week, I’m excited to dive into the updates we’ve made to the ability system since last you saw....
Devlog: Mesh to Actor Swapping
Hey all, This time, I’ve got something special to share—a mesh to actor swapping system inspired by a few of our amazing Patreon community members. We were able to expand upon their base functionality and it's been super helpful for making our open world more dynamic...
Devlog: PCG Props Generation
Hey all, We’ve been making some great strides with the continuation of our Procedural Content Generation (PCG) experimenting. This week, it’s all about improving our prop placement system. Specifically, we’ve been adding proper spawners so we no longer have to...
Devlog: Biome Generation
Hey all, I hope everyone has been enjoying the PCG related devlogs the last few weeks! We’ve been hard at work continuing development on our world building systems, which can now allow you to set up your own biome variations. Let’s check it out! Foliage Density...
Devlog: PCG Ditch Generation and Landscape Deforming
Hey all! This week, to complement the spline-based pathing, we’ve been focusing on adding ditches to our Advanced PCG Forest and how they interact with the landscape deformation system. I’m pretty excited about this one since it adds a lot of natural variation to the...
Devlog: PCG Spline Path Generation
Hey all! Today I will share a new addition that we’ve been working on: spline-based paths. It’s something I’ve been wanting to implement for a while to give more control and realism to the landscapes in the game. State of PCG Spline Path Generation One of the big...
Devlog: Cave PCG Fillings and Lights Generation
Hey all! This week, I’ve got some cool updates to share on the spline-based cave generation system that we shared in the devlog the other week. We’ve made some exciting progress by adding two important elements that are really bringing the caves to life—foliage and...
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