Custom Support 1 hour


Price is excluding VAT and is calculated at checkout.

Official Support Expectations

By default, you are able to expect the following support included in the purchase of a hyper module:

  • Community support forums after verification
  • Downloadable written documentation
  • Technical walk-through videos when available on certain specialized topics
  • Bug fixes (prioritized by impact)
  • Engine updates for at least 3 years after the publishing date or until drastic engine changes (e.g. UE6)

Optional Custom support:

Several examples fall outside the scope of default support but can be optionally purchased.

  • Custom integration support
  • Bug fixes that arise in your project only after manually changing the code
  • Personal chat or video calls for any inquiry like advice on your project
  • Offering abstract integration advice for your custom projects, provided your question aligns with support guidelines
  • Providing personal-level pointers
  • Aiding in identifying the cause of bugs occurring in your project after integrating with one of Hyper’s assets
  • Adding new functionality to your project

How does it work?:

  1. The first thing to be required is to determine how much time your support request takes.
    1. If you have a question which you think can be handled in 1 hour. You can purchase the one hour support product and plan the meeting here.
      1. Please note that an average of 15 minutes will be spent before the meeting based on the information you supply as a per-investigation. So the total time in the call will be a maximum of 45 minutes.
    2. If you require more custom support which cannot be handled in 1 hour, please plan an introduction call so we can make an estimation of the work required beforehand.
      1. Schedule a call for an introductory call and a guesstimate for the amount of work required.
  2. You can purchase the amount of hours required by adding this product multiple times.



  1. All work done is on a time basis. There is no guarantee of specific work to be done.
  2. Custom support takes a lot of time and therefore might be to expensive for hobbyist and indie developers. You should be aware that it is purely optional and most commonly used for professional teams.
  3. Do not try to put in too much in one hour. Purchase 4 if you want to have a longer discussion and insights on your project.
  4. Preparing well is the responsibility of you. Any time spent on connecting voice/accessing the project etc will be part of the call.
    1. Make sure I have proper access to the files.Or sent in advance or have a working RustDesk setup. (Please do not share audio otherwise I hear myself twice)
    2. We can communicate clearly via video and voice.
    3. Make sure to have a stable and proper internet connection
    4. If you sent me everything in advance, I can prepare well too. The time used for that will be subtracted from the support call.