Hey there!
Do you want me to build assets Harder, Better, Faster and stronger?!
I do want that too! You can now help me out to do so if you would like! I will always guarantee that any support I receive I will put into Hyper.
Patreon: Unlock Golden, Epic or Legendary badges and other cool features and services by supporting us on Patreon. For instance, become a part of the Hyper advisory board! https://www.patreon.com/GamesByHyper
Special Limited offer: Only the first Epic and Legendary patreons will receive a gift from me!
Buy us a coffee or contribute on a specific task: Don’t want to support via Patreon? Do so via PayPal! https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=3LVU5EQZZ7L54
Merch: Did you know we also have awesome merchandise like the cool shirt in the video above? Order it now! https://hyper-66.creator-spring.com/
With thankful regards,

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Eric Ruts
Hey! My name is Eric. I am from Games by Hyper.
I am the core creator of the Games by Hyper Assets for Unreal Engine.
In the past, I created and published games like Evolvation, but also had many different roles. For instance, I am a Teacher of Game Development at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.
Before and during my gaming adventures, I have a history in C-Level Strategic advisory, Program, and Project Management for coporates and governments.
I am a graduated Engineer but I also have a master's in Information Sciences with Game Studies specialization.
Personally, I am married, have two children, and can be characterized as a passionate person.
I am also passionate about helping others. With the courses and modular components I am offering, I hope to be able to help people achieve their dreams within the gaming industry.