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Here you can find all our latest activities. We publish our development log, food for thoughts,
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Bow and Arrow
Every combat system needs a bow and arrow. I adapted the Lyra animation framework to work with a full working bow and arrow including projectile prediction, arrow attachment and latent animation handling.Check out the devlog video for a preview of the system....
Start with Bow & Arrow
I've been working on a bow and arrow. Here are my initial results, don't laugh too hard! I am shooting the bow instead of an arrow... As you can see it is not yet working great but I'm getting there. The most important thing here was...
Development of throwables, projectiles and melee
Hello fellow devs,I would love you the show the developments of the throwables, projectiles and melee. You have not heard from me in a couple of weeks. My wife has given labor of our beautiful daughter Rosalie. We are happy and everyone is doing well!In the meantime...
Discord Role Management made easy – Automatic verification process for Games By Hyper
Verification for the Unreal Engine marketplace has always been a bit annoying. There are two options: let people leave a question or review on the product page or sent order ID, email, epic user name of the buyer to Epic's mail and wait till they respond.But now I've...
Dynamic Cross-hairs, Camera Shake, Aiming Down Sight, Sniper Overlay, Recoil
Hello Game Dev's, Check out this new dev-log of the Ultimate Combat system. In this video I am explaining my progress regarding Dynamic cross-hairs, Camera Shake, Aiming Down Sight, Sniper Overlay and Recoil. Getting the dynamic cross hair was quite hard since it...
Devlog – Weapon impact sound, Niagara System, and decal based on surface detection
Hello there fellow Virtual world builders, As most of you know I'm working on an combat system. With Lyra as an inspiration, I am building an blueprint only, modular, flexible and adaptable combat system including animation framework. Check out my progress in the...
Hyper Devlog – Firearms, Fire-types, Ammo handling, Animations, and sounds
I wanted to work on the reloading of the weapon. In general it is very easy. However for the system I want to provide I need many prerequisites. I need an inventory wherein ammo can be stored, equipment slots like primary weapon/ offhand, but also an "ammo" slot since...
Equip/Unequip, crouching and aiming via rep notify instead of multicast
Working on the combat system including the animation framework is a lot of fun! I am trying to explore this area of game development. I never really had to touch it since I've worked more on Evolvation which did not require human combat.I do not want to use the...
Empower us!
Hey there! Do you want me to build assets Harder, Better, Faster and stronger?! I do want that too! You can now help me out to do so if you would like! I will always guarantee that any support I receive I will put into Hyper. Patreon: Unlock Golden, Epic or Legendary...
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